Public Lands Day 2007

Public Lands Day at Cochiti Lake with BSA Troop 53

I hope everyone enjoyed a part of our incredible public lands on September 29, 2007 - National Public Lands Day. My fiancée and I joined up with Boy Scouts of America Troop 53 from Santa Fe, New Mexico at Cochiti Lake Recreation Area. Park Ranger Greg Carpenter arranged all of the tools and materials and we helped build a wall to enhance the Pay Station and Information sign leading to the Boat Launch at Cochiti Lake.

Using hand tools, concrete pavers, adobe bricks, sand, mud and a lot of hard work we built a decorative wall to improve the visibility of the pay station and informational sign. The Boy Scouts took to stacking up the adobe brick like ... a bunch of boys playing with mud. Thanks to Ranger Carpenter, the Scouts and Parents for making a great project out of the simplest of materials and a bunch of enthusiasm. My fiancée and I had a great time and we're looking forward to our next Public Lands Day.

Cochiti Lake Public Lands Day Images


Cochiti Lake Recreation Area

Boy Scouts of America - Great Southwest Council - Santa Fe District

National Public Lands Day