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Love Food, Leave Nutritionism

Michael Pollan discusses 'In Defense of Food' for the Authors@Google series on March 4, 2008.

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

Why I Garden #5

Planting Garlic

Allium sativum L.

Planting 10 cloves of Bosque Early Garlic from the Santa Fe Farmer's Market ( a little late I know ) for harvest next year. Hopefully.

Why I Garden #4

Indian Popcorn ears

We've had the first hard freeze of the season, so the garden is done for the year. Unfortunately, a few green tomatoes went straight to the compost bin as I didn't pull them early enough. Now it's time to turn the compost and start planning for next year.

Here are a few colorful ears of Indian Popcorn that we'll be popping pretty soon.

Why I Garden #3

Indian Popcorn on the stalk

Indian Popcorn maturing on the stalk

Why I Garden #2

Purple Aster

Purple Aster - Aster Bigelovii

Why I Garden #1

Delicata Squash, Amish Paste Tomatoes and Purple Pod Beans

Delicata Winter Squash, Amish Paste Tomatoes and Purple Pod String Beans.

Food Fresh from the Farm

Farmers Market Apples and Peaches

Supermarkets have become strangely fantastical places where fruits and vegetables are always in season and always available. Unfortunately, the fruits and vegetables are rarely truly fresh and the varieties have become very uniform across the nation. Of course, fruits can't be picked when they're fully ripe if they must be shipped hundreds or thousands of miles. Many heirloom vegetables, especially tomatoes, don't ship well at all, so the supermarkets only stock the types that can withstand early picking and long-distance trucking.

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